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Ah Mok

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Life can be unpredictable with obstacles, making it sometimes difficult to stay afloat. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, stress from work, or financial woes, everyone faces challenges and does at some point, struggle with remaining optimistic or hopeful. Nonetheless, it is still important to maintain positivity to keep us going; by finding the good in the bad, and being the light in the darkness. For this issue, let us explore on what being positive means & how we can harness it in ways that truly benefit our lives.

7 Ways to Stay Positive Even During the Toughest Times

Scientists found that even though people who identify as optimists tend to be more positive in general, they too start assuming the worst as the moment of truth about something important nears. On the other hand, some people would rather stay positive whenever possible, since it's easier to fight off stress and anxiety when you have a sunny outlook. Here, we've gathered some of our favourite expert tips for staying optimistic when you're dealing with some super hard stuff.

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Positive Money Mindset: 15 Tips to Transform Your Money Mindset from Negative to Positive

Do you find yourself feeling down about money or uninspired? Maybe you aren't making as high of an income as you'd like to be. Something that contributes a lot to your success is the way you think. A positive money mindset can change your outlook and improve your finances. Here are 15 tips to transform your money mindset when you need to think positively.

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Your brain is wired for negative thoughts. Here's how to change it.

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Ah Mok
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Steffi Caroline, Age 34, Regional Business Development

Knew Mok a few years back way before he is in the industry. We served together as committees in the alumni association and even by then, noticed his sense of responsibilities, dedication, and proactiveness to look after the juniors and respect shown towards the seniors. He has always been someone you can count on, and when one goes to that extend to get a job was done in a non-profit environment; with such passion to give back to the community through education; supporting the community; you know you can trust and rely on his expertise and advise when comes to holistic financial planning. Respect his professionalism to give adequate time and space; before you are ready and open to hearing what he has to share.. he doesn't mind helping with analysis and giving constructive and objective input. While facing objection or doubt, he will relate and acknowledge when your point of view makes sense then bring it back to his personal encounter. It is a constructive discussion and it shows that he is listening with empathy. This is a great value everyone in consulting or service line should have.

Yi Qing, Banker

Mok's explanation was concise and clear, but it also clearly stated my choice, so I can make an informed decision. When I expressed concern about the budget, he waited patiently and gave me plenty of time to consider the plan before implementing it. Reliable, fast and helpful. 10/10 would be recommended.

Han Ern, HR

Mok is my ex-colleague. I decided to choose him as my consultant because he only recommends policies based on our needs. He was very motivated when making suggestions, which was my gratitude and made his feel relieved. I would definitely recommend Mok as your consultant, whether it is for your financial needs or to give you peace of mind.

Sean & Family

Mok is a very impressive and professional financial consultant in which he really understand my needs first before recommend me solution. I knew him during my flying career.He is a positive, cheerful person and takes his job very seriously.

Fung Teng, Age 27, Auditor

I met Mok thru my boyfriend and I always heard from my boyfriend that she is someone that is extremely transparent and straightforward. I have been curious about savings plans and had close to no knowledge regarding this topic. So I made an appointment with him, and throughout the meeting there was zero judgement on my lack of knowledge and I felt very at ease I wasn't pressured at any one time and I love the fact that he was concise in his explanations and made sure I didn't rush into my decisions.

Justin Lee, age 27, Civil Engineer

i know Mok since primary school, he is friend of my brother, when i come SG, i met him for a brief discussion about my financial plans. I must say that having a resourceful & knowledgeable friend to call on can really make a difference. I hope you can avail yourself to get to know him too. Highly recommended.